Brandilyn Collins, bestselling author of over 30 books in the Christian market, is known for her Seatbelt Suspense® novels, her energetic and insightful speaking about God and His power to change lives, and her deep-level teaching of the craft of fiction. Many of her unique teaching techniques are based on the unique concepts presented in her book Getting Into Character: Seven Secrets a Novelist Can Learn From Actors.
Her first book, A Question of Innocence, was a true crime published by Avon in 1995. Its promotion landed her on local and national TV and radio, including the Phil Donahue and Leeza talk shows. Brandilyn's awards for her novels include the ACFW Carol Award (three times), Inspirational Readers' Choice, the Inspy, Christian Retailer's Best Award (twice), and Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice.
Remarks from those who have heard Brandilyn speak or teach:
"I took a semester's course at Harvard on fiction writing but learned more from you in the last hour."
"That was the BEST keynote speech I've ever heard at ANY conference I've attended in over 30 years."
"I could listen to you speak all day."
"I could listen to you speak all day."
"Were you aware of what was happening out there? You could have heard a pin drop in that place."
"I was so touched and compelled by God to change some things in my own life. You deserved that standing ovation."
"She was amazing. I couldn't hold back the tears."
"Remember how nobody moved when you said, 'Part II in the next session' and tried to dismiss us for a break? We couldn't leave. We had to hear more right then!"
"No one has taught me more about fiction in years than you did in this one day."
"Your teaching is just what I needed, complete with actionable steps I know I can take."
"I am thankful for the intense editing you did in class. When you read my final version with your edits, I got tears in my eyes. For the first time I saw that I could produce good writing, with good editing, of course. It was one of the most inspirational moments of my writing career."
"You were so inspiring. And absolutely captivating. You spoke for, what, 45 minutes? And nobody made a sound that whole time. We all just hung on to your every word."
"I was so touched and compelled by God to change some things in my own life. You deserved that standing ovation."
"She was amazing. I couldn't hold back the tears."
"Remember how nobody moved when you said, 'Part II in the next session' and tried to dismiss us for a break? We couldn't leave. We had to hear more right then!"
"No one has taught me more about fiction in years than you did in this one day."
"Your teaching is just what I needed, complete with actionable steps I know I can take."
"I am thankful for the intense editing you did in class. When you read my final version with your edits, I got tears in my eyes. For the first time I saw that I could produce good writing, with good editing, of course. It was one of the most inspirational moments of my writing career."
"You were so inspiring. And absolutely captivating. You spoke for, what, 45 minutes? And nobody made a sound that whole time. We all just hung on to your every word."
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