Fantastic Fiction Retreat
Hey, wonderful people, a note to let you know I will not be holding a Fantastic Fiction Retreat in 2023. The Lord has been leading me into new areas of service, and I don't know if I will get back to leading these retreats again. I'm leaving the form at the bottom of the page for anyone wanting to be placed on the notification list in case I do offer one in the future. Blessings, all!
If you'd like to be on the mailing list for future retreats,
please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
Some responses from attendees
"An amazing writer’s retreat! Everything was perfect! Wonderful hospitality. Loved everything and treasure all the unforgettable memories."
"Brandilyn Collins is a world class teacher. For novice writers and experienced published authors. Spend a day and a half in her Fantastic Fiction Retreat, and your writing will improve leaps and bounds!"
"Very helpful. I've read Getting Into Character but found the 'live show' much more accessible."
"Just the focus and boost I needed to get me going in a fresh direction on my next fiction project." (Author or co-author of over 100 books.)
"You’re very hospitable and make us so comfortable. Your house is warm and inviting, and the coffee—so good! Food was excellent!"
"Just the focus and boost I needed to get me going in a fresh direction on my next fiction project." (Author or co-author of over 100 books.)
"You’re very hospitable and make us so comfortable. Your house is warm and inviting, and the coffee—so good! Food was excellent!"
"A very productive retreat. Every session was jam-packed with useful information."
"A must for anyone who is serious about the craft of writing fiction."
"If you have a chance to come, do. It was worth every dime and minute."
"There is a neat intentionality to Brandilyn's methods that tidied up the dirty corners of my work. Cleaner, clearer writing with higher emotional impact on my reader."
"Fantastic! Great content and instruction as well as individual question opportunities. Nice and intimate setting. All in all a win!
"What a wonderful experience! Your home is a perfect location for such an event. The retreat was encouraging and beneficial. We left with tools to tighten and deepen our writing."
"The in-class critiquing at the end was invaluable."
"Classes were spot-on and crazy helpful!"

"A perfect balance of learning better writing skills,
critiquing, and relationship building. Very glad I attended."
"I have read Getting Into Character—and feel like I gained a deeper understanding of your process. Loved every class. Every one was so helpful."
"To take the first two pages of our clunky writing and turn them into something like you did is remarkable. A gift."
"Learning from you and enjoying God's beautiful creation in the landscape are memories I'll treasure forever."
"I have read Getting Into Character—and feel like I gained a deeper understanding of your process. Loved every class. Every one was so helpful."
"To take the first two pages of our clunky writing and turn them into something like you did is remarkable. A gift."
"Learning from you and enjoying God's beautiful creation in the landscape are memories I'll treasure forever."
I want to attend the Fantastic Fiction Retreat
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